Thursday, April 09, 2009

A quick update

So, I caught the coolest show last night on the BBC. Okay, maybe cool isn't the best word...but I loved it! It's called The Speaker. Teenagers from around the UK audition to be the best public speaker. Check it out:

I mean, I'm not knocking American Idol, So You Think You Can Dance and the rest of those shows...they are great! Singers and performers are important...but what about showcasing the importance of public speaking skills and well-thought out & logical speeches? The next generation (gosh, I sound old!) needs polished, professional, intelligent leaders. What a great start!! Ok, so public speaking is something I'm passionate about...but I won't get on my soap box!

I'll just say favorite line from last night's episode: "The geek shall inherit the earth."

Well, I'm off today to Barcelona for the Easter weekend. Very excited! I promise to take lots of pictures and post them for your viewing pleasure!

Happy Easter!


Anonymous said...

very glad to see an update. Why Barcelona? Have fun, and take tons of pics!! Happy Easter!

chickenlaw said...

With Bill Gates in the lead, I think geeks alresy rule the earth. Or the parts worth having , anyway. Enjoy Barcelona.