Thursday, May 14, 2009

Sweet Family Ties

So, I'm not sure if I've mentioned it or not -but my cute, charming flat is a bit off the beaten path. I mean, we're talking a good 12-15 minute walk (sometimes when I've had a bit too much on the's a 18-20 minute walk!). On sunny days, the walk is great. When it's overcast - or worse - rainy...not so much.

But despite the misty gray skies this morning...I saw something this morning which truly made me smile. A father was walking his primary-school aged daughter to school. They were talking up a storm and she was definitely telling him a grand story (lots of hand waving and big smiles). And she held her father with such rapt attention...I melted. Fathers and daughters have this special bond. I can remember waiting anxiously for my father to come home after a long excited to see him walk through the front door. And as tired as he probably was...I got his full attention.

So I have such a special treat coming up. My dad is coming to visit in June. I'm SO excited! Despite my father being a pilot and seeing the world from an airplane - he hasn't seen much from ground level. So, I'm making up a list of things for us to do. What do you think?

1. Watch the changing of the guard at Buckingham Palace
2. Go on the London Eye
3. Visit the Tower of London and the Royal Jewels
4. See inside St. Paul's Cathedral
5. Do the Museum Mile
6. Take a riverboat tour of the Thames
7. Catch a show in London't West End Theatre district
8. Visit Westminster Cathedral
9. See Big Ben
10. Check out Shakespeare's Globe Theatre
11. Grab lunch at Borough Market
12. Tour the Foundry which produced the Liberty Bell

Hmm...he's only here for 3 days. I've been here 2 months and haven't even done half this list (and it's a pretty small list in fairness...). There is just so much to do in this city! You can't possibly come to London and be bored. Which begs the question...when are YOU coming to visit?

Wishing you a great day!

1 comment:

chickenlaw said...

when we lived in Bonn my parents had a standard list of "top" sites (about 5, like the Rhine, parlaiment, etc) and a list they wanted to see. Then they would add them together, and slowly see the entire city. Show of your home, don't get bored.