...I totally suck at writing a blog! I realize this and will try to be better in the future. Thank you for your patience with my fledgling attempt at being creative and tech savvy...
I’m sitting in my new flat (yay!) waiting on Fedex to arrive with my boxes from the US. Very excited, although I’m looking around this place now wondering how on earth I’m going to store everything. Yikes! I definitely had rose-colored glasses on when I was looking at apartments. Now that I’ve actually spent a few nights here, I can see some glaringly obvious oversights on my part. For one, there is only 1 closet!! How did I miss that?!? It was even something I noticed in other places as good/bad/whatever. So, how did I miss it this time? I’ll tell you...
The charm in this place is intoxicating. There are pretty little touches like beautiful stain glass windows in the kitchen and bathroom. There are fireplaces in the living room and in my bedroom. The natural wood frames of the doors and windows make a nice contrast to the whitewashed walls. It’s charming, plain and simple...
But it still doesn’t help me find a place for my clothes!
Once the boxes arrive, I’m off to search for storage. Here are some shots of the “charming bits” of the flat. More to come soon...

(They really use keys that look like this!)

(My tiny kitchen...good thing I'm not a gourmet chef!)

(Pretty blue stained glass in the bathroom)

(My bedroom window)

(My bedroom so far...and yes, I have a teddy bear!)