Tuesday, August 25, 2009

I just can't stop listening to this!

So, I can't stop listening to Imogen Heap! Do you know of her? She's just released her latest album, Ellipse...which is fantastic! And listening to her other albums, I definitely recognized a few songs. Who knew I was already a fan!? Amazing!

Came across her with my fun little player Spotify...which I posted about some time ago...I think only on Facebook, though. Sadly for my friends back home, Spotify is a Euro thing...but trust me it's amazing!

{album picture found here}

My quest for new music today came from Red Boots' post. I her via my friend MJ's blog and now I'm hooked. So cute! But like her, I have been listening to 3 albums on repeat for the last few weeks:

1. Fleet Foxes
2. The new DMB
3. Neko Case (who I just bought tix to see!! SO excited!!)

What music are you listening to? Any recommendations for me?


Red Boots said...

Thank you for the mention! And so glad you found my blog - I love yours - hope you're enjoying life in London!

I've not heard of Neko Case before but I will definitely be having a listen. Thanks for the tip!

I might do a post soon on all the wonderful recommendations I've been given so hopefully that will give you some inspiration too! x

Rachel said...

I love Imogen Heap! I first heard them on an episode of So You Think You Can Dance and couldn't stop listening either!